
  • Operate all kinds of rare earth wire materials,

    Processing nonferrous alloys and rare earth alloy wires and bars

    Implementation standards: customized according to customer requirements Quality system: ISO9001

    Applicable process: evaporation coating, ion sputtering

    Specifications: according to customer requirements

  • Operate all kinds of rare earth wire materials,

    Processing nonferrous alloys and rare earth alloy wires and bars

    Implementation standards: customized according to customer requirements Quality system: ISO9001

    Applicable process: evaporation coating, ion sputtering

    Specifications: according to customer requirements

  • Operate all kinds of rare earth wire materials,

    Processing nonferrous alloys and rare earth alloy wires and bars

    Implementation standards: customized according to customer requirements Quality system: ISO9001

    Applicable process: evaporation coating, ion sputtering

    Applicable process: evaporation coating, ion sputtering

纳雍县| 津南区| 社旗县| 黄骅市| 谢通门县| 称多县| 磐安县| 右玉县| 富源县| 会昌县| 全椒县| 韶山市| 恩平市| 平江县| 谢通门县| 繁昌县| 云霄县| 青田县| 仪征市| 隆子县| 封丘县| 宜城市| 长宁区| 达尔| 蓬安县| 大埔区| 灵武市| 平江县| 台东县| 育儿| 淮滨县| 扎赉特旗| 镇康县| 志丹县| 扎囊县| 象州县| 石台县| 无锡市| 富民县| 阜平县| 上思县|